Dear friends and donors!

At the end of 2024, we thank you for your loyalty and willingness to help, which has made the work of the Posielek Family Foundation possible for almost 25 years.

At the beginning of the year, 4 members of the foundation visited the projects in South India on site again. There was a tight, well-organized program that our friend, Dr. Anto Maliekal and his wife Seena, had put together. We visited many “tuition centers” funded by our foundation, which are tutoring groups in villages on the outskirts of big cities, and were able to see the precarious conditions in which many people live there, not integrated into society, with no connection to state aid. These tuition centers, which are run by helpers with our support, are so valuable and helpful because the children are taught the skills they need to attend school. They receive human attention by playing with them, teaching them the basics of hygiene and supervising their homework.

We also met many students on site who received a scholarship from our foundation to attend school, college, technical college or university. In personal discussions, we were able to learn a lot about their wishes and dreams, but also about their efforts in pursuing their goals. We took advantage of many opportunities to exchange ideas and get to know each other better.

Since our foundation was founded, many things have changed for the better in India. There are not as many children living on the streets anymore and they are no longer exploited by child labor to the extent that we saw on our first visit. However, equal opportunities for education are still far from being achieved. There is therefore still a lot to do.

With your support, we hope to be able to continue to promote education and training, especially for girls and young women in India, for many years to come, because when children go to school, it has a positive effect on all areas of life.

We wish you a peaceful Advent and Christmas season and a good start to 2025!

Christmas letter 2024