Education is one of the most important steps towards a world without hunger and poverty.
Dear friends and donators!
Once again we are at the end of the year and it’s the second time with Covid around. Who would have thought that this virus would turn our world upside down with such an intensity and for such a long time.
Nonetheless, we have made good experiences. The stream of donations has not stopped. We want to thank all donators for their generosity on behalf of all children, youngsters, and families in India.
Thanks to these donations, it was possible to build up new tuition centers this year after the lockdown. These tuition centers are private teaching and mentoring opportunities for children on private property. Especially young children did not receive education and support during the Covid crisis due to lockdown of schools. Instead, they were urged for child labour in farming, workshops, or quarries. But education is indispensable to overcome poverty and suppression – this has been shown by many studies. That is why we do not want to stop our efforts to enable as many children and youngsters from poor families at the edge of the Indian society to receive support for school attendance, academic studies, and professional training.
For 2022, we hope for progress towards a fair world with equal rights, less hunger, and more successful ideas to overcome the global pandemic.
We wish you a peaceful Advent season, Merry Christmas and a healthy year 2022!