Dear friends and donators!
We want to thank you for all your donations this year!
The year 2020 is coming to an end. It has been a special year, not necessarily a good one. The coronavirus has been an impact on our life worldwide.
Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that the pandemic would follow us for the entire year. Not only in Germany and Europe the public life has been shut down. Right after the USA, India is the country that has been hit the hardest by the virus. Schools, colleges, and universities had to close and move towards online learning. Schools are being reopened since the beginning of November. The funding of students through our foundation has continued and we are handling the allocation of scholarships flexibly. Nonetheless, everyone has to apply for the scholarship and keep us updated on their performance and exams.
The tailoring classes and beauty culture classes have been put on pause, but will continue as soon as possible. The tuition centers had to shut down as well.
We all hope that the pandemic will be overcome and that we can go back to a “normal” life in India as well as in Europe. The strategies that are necessary have to be developed and put into practice at a global scale. Thanks to the internet and global networks we will succeed.
We wish you a peaceful Advent season, Merry Christmas and a healthy year 2021!